Sales Tax Nexus Calculator
Sales tax nexus is defined as contact with a state that establishes a sufficient connection between a business and a state which may require that the seller registers, collects, and remits sales tax in the state. Certain business activities, including having a physical presence or reaching a specific sales or transaction threshold, may establish nexus with a state. The sales tax nexus standards are changing rapidly since the Wayfair ruling and state-by-state criteria for determining nexus and requirements for compliance are expanding. Determining where your company has established nexus is the first step towards identifying what actions your company should take to become compliant for sales tax.
Establishing a business's nexus may also require a company to file an income, franchise, gross receipts, and/or other business tax returns. Withum's State and Local Tax team is available to assist your business with addressing these and other common business issues.

Portal Tool Features
Withum's Nexus Determination Tool will allow you to identify states where your company may have nexus for sales and use tax by answering some simple business questions. Based on your business needs, our tool will allow you to:
Identify how many states you may have nexus
Determine what type of nexus you have in each state
Access your nexus results for up to a year
Schedule a call with our State and Local Tax team
Sign Up FreeThe Nexus Determination tool will help you identify the number of states your company has nexus. After identifying the number of states your company has nexus, you can upgrade to any of the additional packages for a deeper analysis.
Gold - $500/Yr
Sign Up : $500.00Our Gold package will provide a map analysis that identifies the states your company potentially has nexus. This package includes a half-hour session at your convenience with our Withum SALT team to discuss the results and receive additional insight.
Platinum - $2500/Yr
Sign Up : $2500.00With our Platinum package, you will receive a customized analysis download with the states your company potentially has nexus and what type of nexus your company may have triggered in each applicable state. This package includes an hour session at your convenience with our Withum SALT team to discuss the results and receive additional insight.